RAN Sharing

Topology and Parameter Visibility for Shared Elements

Through automated or manual connectivity into MO-RAN and MOCN Partners NetCM provides full visibility of parameter configuration and topology of the shared sites. This includes GIS based mapping of the shared elements.

KPI Visibility

Through connectivity into Network NMS or Third-party PM systems NetCM can provide useful dashboard on the Performance management KPIs for Shared sites. This information can also be co-related to Configuration information. The operator can then use this information to manage any SLAs with the RAN Share partner.

Network Change Management Control

NetCM Provides a full change management function for implementation of Planning and Optimization changes on both RAN share partner network. Users can make use of NetCM’s planning and optimization workspace to make changes to the Shared network information. This information can then be implemented into Operator’s network or can be sent automatically to the RAN Share partner.

Audit of Shared

NetCM provides a full audit function on Data from the RAN Share partners. Operator can use the consistency checking and Baseline policy audits to check for any incorrect configurations on the RAN Share sites.

Have a look at these related products

Configuration Management

Configuration Management

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