Network Service Monitoring

Complex Network Service Assurance

With so many additional services built on top of telco providers always on infrastructure, the repercussions of an outage or partial service failure are more dramatic than ever before. A seemingly innocuous issue can result on millions of dollars losses down the consumer pipeline and the damage to an operator’s image relating to such events is almost impossible to quantify. That is where Digitata Networks can bring clarity and focus to an area that is extremely hard to manage through traditional techniques and tools.

Device Fragmentation

A combination of new feature and service offerings supplied by the mobile equipment vendor, coupled with the stream of new devices and models being manufactured has created a situation where operators are struggling to verify that the network supports the new devices and vice-versa. Manual testing is time consuming and error prone, and automation through traditional means does not accurately replicate subscriber behaviour or end user equipment.

Big data, big answers

Utilising a combination of real End User Equipment, configuration management and 3rd party integrations, as well as real-time alarming and reporting, it is possible to pinpoint failures and implement corrective action for even the most complex network service implementations. Whether it is a 5G rollout, Ran Share, VoWifi or roaming subscriber management, Digitata Networks can assist to fully automate and validate service monitoring

Monitor 24/7

Our “end to end” testing and monitoring solutions are fast to deploy, cost effective and scalable. In a world where a simple call touches 20 different network nodes, each a potential failure point, our product suite tests end to end to provide the big picture. More cost effective than traditional network probe solutions, and working to complement existing systems and infrastructure, Digitata Networks drives efficiency and reduces network outages and service failures that would otherwise slip through the cracks.


Having early warning of a potential outage or configuration issue is critical in a telco environment, and CeRC offers a full alarm management component within the tool. Capable of assigning, tracking, alerting and storing all warnings within the platform, the solution is also compatible out of the box with various third party fault management platforms.

Verify Function

The end subscribers experience and perception are the ultimate bar to which the performance of a mobile network is measured. Why monitor your network utilising any methodology that does not accurately reflect the users experience on the ground? CeRC is a cost effective swiss army knife that every network operator should have in their testing arsenal.

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