End-to-End Asset Management

Our Solutions

When we talk about Asset Management, we realise it is the most valuable part of any Network operator and it touches almost every department in one way or the other.

Each department also interacts with these assets at various times in the asset life cycle over an extended period of time, around 5 – 10 years.

Digitata end-to-end Asset Management
Suite offers the following Value proposition:

Planning Based on Accurate Asset Data

Procurement of Asset

Warehousing of Asset

Visibility of Asset Out in the Field

One of the biggest problems with automation of processes are allowing the user to interact with the data wherever he is with what ever devise he has available. Our mobile application allows for staff or even sub-contractors to download and use the mobile application to interact with the process and capture any information in a structured way. This allows for coherent data with the following benefits:

Auto Update As Built

When projects are rolled-out and put into service, documentation is normally at the bottom of the priority list, and details are captured long after the site when into service. This causes a lot of concern for capitalisation and often can be the first source of incorrect information as most of the data are captured and correlated manually. Our solution offers a fully integrated process flow with the following benefits:

Fully integrated Asset and Site Information

Site and asset information are normally stored in the financial system and possibly in various excel sheets. Different departments have different naming conventions for sites and assets are most of the time only linked on a high level. When an end-to-end asset management solution is deployed, this information becomes part of the entire solution and the quality of the asset and site data are build into the process with a feedback of asset auto discovery.

Asset Auto Discovery

The secret source of our end-to-end asset management solution is an auto-discovery of assets via the network configuration data. We extract asset information from the config directly from OSS or network elements and correlate that information back to the asset register. This allows for accurate information of all active asset data that is verified daily:

Automated Asset Audit (Closed-loop)

Active assets are audit daily with reports on any asset change. This allows for a high level of confidence in financial asset audit with verification if assets are in use and available. Full audit reports of daily activity of assets can be correlated with the financial fixed asset register. Passive assets can also be monitored with the quality of asset data build into the process:

Capitalisation of Assets

With a full end-to-end audited Asset register, budgeting for upgrades or expansion is more meaning full. Asset values can be tracked and rolled-up of area, region or even town level. Asset values can also be correlated with network performance and revenue to ensure the best application of the available budget for upgrades and expansions.

Have a look at these related products

Asset Management

Data Intelligence

Process Management

Site Surveying

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